Blue Zone Well-Being

“I see skies of blue
And clouds of white
The bright blessed day
The dark sacred night
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world.”

What a Wonderful World
– Louis Armstrong


Your body, mind, and spirit feel out of sync.

This is life in the “Red Zone” – which simply means that you have lost your balance and feel at odds with yourself, with your body, and with the people you love.

While living in the Red Zone, you find yourself confused, irritated, and unable to live a healthful, peaceful life. Perhaps you have habitual behaviors that you know aren’t good for you but can’t stop doing them

Because you don’t have the time or energy to eat nutritious meals, you turn to fad diets or fast and processed food. Or perhaps you haven’t a clue what a healthy meal is anymore.

And when was the last time you sat down and ate a meal mindfully, savoring every bite and feeling nourished?

Working long hours makes it impossible to find time for exercise and relaxation. You feel exhausted, but it’s often a struggle to get restorative sleep.

Although you long to spend meaningful time with friends, you barely have a moment to be present.

You’re living in the land of plenty, but your body, mind, and soul feel profoundly malnourished.

Do not despair – move into the Blue Zone.

Our high-stress, frantic world of fast everything, long hours, and little free time make it too easy to fall into a red zone mode of being.

I, too, have lived in the Red Zone and can help you move into the Blue Zone.

So Where Is the Blue Zone? Researchers have identified a few places called “Blue Zones.” These places are where people have low rates of chronic disease – heart disease, diabetes, dementia, cancer, depression, and anxiety – and live significantly longer and happier lives.

Of course, the key to living in a Blue Zone is not geography – you do not need to move to the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica or Sardinia!

The Blue Zone is a state of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being that you can create for yourself wherever you live, and there is a great deal of scientific research on how you can create a virtuous cycle – a Blue Zone – in your life. You can create a Blue Zone for yourself and your loved ones!

The key is a lifestyle change.

Most of us need support to start moving toward the Blue Zone.

You don’t need to do this alone – there are many resources available to guide and inspire you.

The most important thing to remember is that any small step in the Blue Zone direction makes a difference. You only need to set the intention and start making tiny changes.

I can help you do this!

I’ve been there and done this.

I can help you move into the Blue Zone because I’ve done it myself.

You don’t have to be perfect – none of us are! But once you feel inspired and start making a few changes, you will feel the difference these changes make – then you’ll be on your way to a happier, healthier, more fulfilling way of living.

It’s all about momentum and feeling good again – let’s work together to transform the vicious cycle of the red zone into the virtuous cycle of the blue zone.

I have the resources and experience to help you do this.

Call me at (941) 404-6355 for a free 20-minute consultation, and I’ll help you walk into the blue.